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Gates of Prayer Temple Youth

GoPTY is Congregation Gates of Prayer's Youth Group program. While the name GoPTY has been around for decades, many of you may have been members, the inclusion of all age levels into the program is brand new. We are planning to have monthly events for all ages of GoPTY!

  • GoPTY Bity - Pre/K-1st
  • GoPTY Mini - 2nd - 5th 
  • GoPTY Junior - 6th-8th
  • GoPTY Senior 9th-12th 

To all Gates of Prayer High School (9th-12th) Youth: Join us on Saturday night, April 22 at 7:00 PM for Waffles, Havdalah and Movie, WHAM! Click HERE to register for the event or scan the QR code in the flyer below.

Pre/K-1st CGoP youth are invited to the GoPTY BITY - PHAM, Pajama, Pizza, Havdalah and movie. Join us at CGoP on Saturday evening April 29 at 5:30 PM. RSVP to Phil @



GoPTY Kick-Off Event Album


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785